FDSN Dataselect Web Service

The dataselect webservice gives access to multiple channels of FDSN miniSEED data for specified time ranges.

NOTE: polling for real-time continuous data is not allowed.
Please contact IRIS to setup a seedlink for a real-time feed.

When accessing SCEDC data, please consider first using our AWS Open Dataset (https://scedc.caltech.edu/data/cloud.html). This is the fastest way to access data and is free of charge. If you do choose to use FDSN webservices please be limit your downloads to 3 concurrent sessions. Excessive downloads will result in your IP(s) being blacklisted.

To see a full list of service parameters and their usage, click Info Button

URL Builder


Use dashes (-) instead of blank spaces. For e.g. loc=--

Time & Quality


URL: /fdsnws/dataselect/1/query?

Note: Requested time windows that don't fit this formula will return no data.
(timewindow * sr + 100) <= 400 * 1024 * 1024 / 4
where timewindow is end-start in seconds, sr is sample rate of the channel.
See help for valid request windows.

Submission Form


Retrieve the WADL associated with this service: application.wadl

Please use the following citation to cite data downloaded from SCEDC:
SCEDC (2013): Southern California Earthquake Center.
Caltech.Dataset. doi:10.7909/C3WD3xH1

To cite use of waveform data from stations maintained by other networks:
If you use a SCEDC waveform dataset that contains data with network codes other than 'CI', please cite the network and its DOI. Use the FDSN network list to find the network code and its corresponding DOI.

Version: FDSN Dataselect Service:1.1.1