FDSN Event Web Service

URL Builder

The FDSN event web service returns event(earthquake) in QuakeML format (schema here). Events may be selected based on location, time, catalog, contributor and internal identifiers. By default, events are retrieved from the SCEDC catalog. These default results include the catalog's "primary origin" and "primary magnitude" for each event, they may optionally include all available origin and magnitude estimates. By default, results are returned in QuakeML format, but may also be requested in text format. Please limit your search to smaller time periods.

Note: Due to current limitations, we are no longer able to support the 'includeallorigins' option.

To see a full list of service parameters and their usage, click

URL Builder

Earthquake Parameters

URL: /fdsnws/event/1/query?nodata=404


Retrieve the WADL associated with this service: application.wadl

Please use the citation:
SCEDC (2013): Southern California Earthquake Data Center. Caltech. Dataset. doi:10.7909/C3WD3xH1 to cite data downloaded from the SCEDC.

Version: FDSN Event Service:1.1.1