Earthquake Commentary for January, 2000

Map of recent earthquake activity

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16:39 PST, Thursday, January 27

The week's earthquake list, which is fully based on analyst processed hypocenters, totals 401 this week. Click here to see a summary and map .

17:58 PST, Thursday, January 20

The week's earthquake list, which is fully based on analyst processed hypocenters, totals 465 this week. Click here to see a summary and map .

07:43 PST, Thursday, January 20

A M3.4 quake in the San Bernardino Mtns. was felt just after midnight last night. The time was 12:03 am, and the epicenter was located 5 miles east-northeast of Big Bear City. Since aftershocks of the 1992 Mw6.2 Big Bear quake (itself an aftershock of the Mw7.3 Landers quake) have been almost nonexistant in the past couple of years, it is probably unfair to label last night's quake an aftershock.

17:21 PST, Thursday, January 13

The week's earthquake list, which is again a mixture of automatic and analyst processed hypocenters, totals 472 this week. Click here to see a summary and map .

The summary for the Hector sequence so far: one Mw7.1 (the mainshock), five M5's, 49 M4's, and 318 M3's. The automatic system (ISAIAH) lists 6,707 events total, but, as we mentioned earlier, this is a minimum number.

11:30 PST, Friday, January 07

The week's earthquake list which is, at last, fully based on analyst processed hypocenters, totals 456 this week. Click here to see a summary and map .

The summary for the Hector sequence so far: one Mw7.1 (the mainshock), five M5's, 49 M4's, and 312 M3's. The automatic system (ISAIAH) lists 6,121 events total, but, as we mentioned earlier, this is a minimum number.

This page is Last updated 16:39 PST January 27, 2000.