SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EARTHQUAKE DATA CENTER CATALOG FORMAT ----------------------------------------------------------------- (04/11/00) The SCEDC catalog consists of hypocentral information for the following time periods. April 1, 1981 - January 31, 1983 July 13, 1983 - present These time periods represent the time periods for which "digital" waveform and phase arrival data are available from the SCEDC, and for which events have been completely processed by the Southern California Seismic Network. The SCEDC catalog is complete for local events greater than or equal to M1.8 since 1981. The time gap in 1983 represents data where the Southern California Seismographic Network has not completely processed the events, and made hypocenters, magnitudes and phase data available to the Data Center. SCEDC format catalog data (described below) are stored in yearly ascii *.catalog files. ============================================================================== SCEDC CATALOG FORMAT specification ============================================================================== col len format name comment --- --- ------ ---- ------- 1 10 a10 date yr/mn/day 12 10 a10 time hr:mn:sec (UTC time, either 7 or 8 hours ahead of local time) 23 1 a1 eventype type of event local (L) regional (R) teleseism (T) quarry blast (Q) dubious location (D) 25 3 f3.1 magnitude 29 1 a1 magtype type of magnitude 'e' energy magnitude 'w' moment magnitude 'b' body-wave magnitude 's' surface-wave magnitude 'l' local (WOOD-ANDERSON) magnitude 'c' coda amplitude 'h' helicorder magnitude 'd' coda duration magnitude 32 7 f7.3 lat deg.min 39 8 f8.3 lon deg.min 48 5 f5.1 depth 54 2 a2 quality eventquality 'A' +- 1 km horizontal distance +- 2 km depth 'B' +- 2 km horizontal distance +- 5 km depth 'C' +- 5 km horizontal distance no depth restriction 'D' >+- 5 km horizontal distance ***** BUYER BEWARE ***** Event qualities are highly suspect prior to 1990. Many of these event qualities are based on incomplete information. Also, they are really only applicable to LOCAL events 56 7 a7 eventid eventid for particular earthquake 63 4 i4 nph number of picked phases 67 4 i4 ngrams number of gram cards (i.e. # of station traces) 71 4 i4 nterr number of TERRAscope files 74 3 i3 nport number of Portable instrument files