
The Southern California Earthquake Data Center (SCEDC) catalog consists of 
hypocentral information for 1932 through the present. For information on 
catalog completeness and data sources, see

SCSN-format catalog data (described below) are stored in yearly 
ASCII *.catalog files.

	       SCSN (a.k.a. CALTECH or CATREAD) FORMAT specification

	col len format name	comment
	--- --- ------ ----	-------
	 1   4    a4   year	YYYY
	 6   2    a2   mon	MM
	 9   2    a2   day	DD
	13   2    a2   hour	HH	(UTC time:
	16   2    a2   min	mm	 7 hours ahead of Pacific Daylight Time
	19   5   f5.2  sec	 8 hours ahead of Pacific Standard Time)
        25   3    i3   lat	degrees	
        29   5   f5.2  lat      minutes 
        34   4    i4   lon	degrees  
        39   5   f5.2  lon	minutes
	45   1	  a1   quality	location quality
					'A'  +- 1 km horizontal distance
					     +- 2 km depth
					'B'  +- 2 km horizontal distance
					     +- 5 km depth
				  	'C'  +- 5 km horizontal distance
					     no depth restriction
					'D'  >+- 5 km horizontal distance
					'Z'  no quality listed in database
	47   3   f3.1  magnitude
	54   6   f6.2  depth	kilometers
	60   3	  i3   nph	number of picked phases
	67   5   f5.2  rms	root mean square of travel times
	73   8    i8   eventid	event ID
           Plotting format specification (hypoinverse format)
	col len format name	comment
	--- --- ------ ----     -------
 	 1   2    i2    yr
	 3   2    i2    mon
	 5   2    i2    day
	 6   2    i2    hour	(UTC time - is either 7 or 8 hours ahead of
			         local time)
	 8   4    i4    min
	11   4    i4    sec	to the hundredths place (e.g. 50.06 sec)
	15   2    i2    lat	(degrees)		
	18   4    i4    lat     (minutes, e.g. 1597 = 15.97) 
	22   3    i3    long	(degrees)
	26   4    i4    lat  	(minutes, e.g. 2928 = 29.28)
	31   4    i4    depth	(e.g. 1253 - 12.53 km)
	68   2    i2    mag	(e.g. 19 = 1.9)
	70   1    a1    quality (same as above)