    The earthquake catalog of the SCSN consists of data from 1932 through
the present.  It is complete for local events greater than or equal to 
M3.0 since 1932, and above M1.8 since 1981. Between the time periods of
January 1984 through the present, it is complete for all magnitude events.

   SCSN catalog data in the Caltech format (described below) is stored in 
yearly ascii *.catalog files.  Beginning with 1975, these files cover a time
period of one year.  Events from 1932 to 1959 are listed in 193259.catalog; 
1960 to 1974 events in 196074.catalog. 

	       SCSN (CALTECH Format) and "year.catalog" file specification

	col len format name	comment
	--- --- ------ ----	-------
	 1   4    i4   year	
	 6   2    i2   mon	
	 9   2    i2   day	
	13   2    i2   hour	(UTC time, is either 7 or 8 hours ahead of
				 local time)	
	16   2    i2   min	
	19   5   f5.2  sec	
        26   2    i2   lat	degrees	(0.00 for regional & teleseismic events)
        29   5   f5.2  lat      minutes ( "    "     "     "       "       "  ) 
        34   5    i4   lon	degrees ( "    "     "     "       "       " )  
					( minus sign represents west longitude)
        39   5   f5.2  lon	minutes ( "    "     "     "       "       " )
	45   1	  a1   quality	location quality
					'A'  +- 1 km horizontal distance
					     +- 2 km depth
					'B'  +- 2 km horizontal distance
					     +- 5 km depth
				  	'C'  +- 5 km horizontal distance
					     no depth restriction
					'D'  >+- 5 km horizontal distance
				**** BUYER BEWARE ****
				Event qualities are highly suspect prior
                                to 1990.  Many of these event qualities
                                are based on incomplete information.
                                Also, they are really only applicable
                                to LOCAL events
	47   3   f3.1  mag
	55   5   f5.2  depth
	60   3	  i3   nph	number of picked phases
	67   4   f4.2  rms	sum of rms of all picked stations
	72   7    i7   id	event id number (i.e. cuspid)	
Total card width = 78
           Plotting format specification (hypoinverse format)
	col len format name	comment
	--- --- ------ ----     -------
 	 1   2    i2    yr
	 3   2    i2    mon
	 5   2    i2    day
	 6   2    i2    hour	(UTC time - is either 7 or 8 hours ahead of
			         local time)
	 8   4    i4    min
	11   4    i4    sec	to the hundredths place (e.g. 50.06 sec)
	15   2    i2    lat	(degrees)		
	18   4    i4    lat     (minutes, e.g. 1597 = 15.97) 
	22   3    i3    long	(degrees)
	26   4    i4    lat  	(minutes, e.g. 2928 = 29.28)
	31   4    i4    depth	(e.g. 1253 - 12.53 km)
	68   2    i2    mag	(e.g. 19 = 1.9)
	70   1    a1    quality (same as above)