02/22/2004  Egill Hauksson

 This (sc_84_02_dd3d_v1.71) is a relocated catalog from SCSN for 1984 to 2002.
 We have combined both HypoDD and locations determined using 3D
 velocity models to assemble a complete catalog.

 The use of differential travel times from cross-correlation 
 of waveforms is new and improves the clustering of the 
 hypocenters. If an earthquake hypocenter was rejected by
 hypoDD, we include the hypocenter from SIMULPS,
 determiend using a 3D velocity model.   

 The recommended use of this catalog is for analyzing 
 spatial and temporal seismicity patterns.

 The magnitudes available from the SCEDC may be 
 more up to date.  Any statistical research should
 be double checked by using magnitudes from the SCEDC.

 This catalog differs from the catalog SHLK_1.0 by Shearer et al.
 2004 in two respects.  First the SHLK_1.0 catalog uses different
 codes to relocate the earthquakes.  Second, the SHLK_1.0 catalog
 includes quarry blasts that were mostly excluded from this
 catalog (sc_84_02_dd3d_v1.71). 
 Relocations done by Egill Hauksson, and released in February 2004

 If you use these locations, please reference:  Hauksson et al., 2003.


   1) Using program SIMULPS (Thurber 1993) and 
      a 3D Vp and VP/Vs velocity model, derived from Hauksson(2000). 
      These locations are labeled '3D' in positions 138:139 

1984 1 1  120  0.77 35n59.39 118w25.81   4.53   0.65  7     34.4 0.19 13.8 99.0 -66.72 180.07   4.53     28254                          3D
Cols.  Format    Data
_____  ______    ____

  1-  4 14        Year
  5-  8 2I2, 1X   month, day.
 10- 13 2I2       Hour and minute.
 14- 19 F6.2      Origin time seconds.
 20- 22 F3.0      Latitude (deg).
 23- 23 A1        S for south, blank or N for north
 25- 28 F5.2      Latitude (min).
 29- 32 F4.0      Longitude (deg).
 33- 33 A1        E for east, blank otherwise.
 34- 38 F5.2      Longitude (min).
 39- 45 F7.2, 2X  Depth (km).
 48- 52 F5.2      Magnitude.  See col. 80 for code
 53- 55 I3        Number of P & S times with weights greater than 0.1.
 60- 64 F5.1      Distance to nearest station (km).
 65- 69 F5.2      RMS travel time residual.
 70- 74 F5.1      Horizontal error (km).
 75- 82 F7.2      Vertical error (km).
 83- 90 F7.2      x-coordinate (km).
 91- 98 F7.2      y-coordinate (km).
 99-106 F7.2      z-coordinate (km).

   2) Using program HypoDD and a 1D velocity Model
      These locations are labeled  'DD'  in positions 138:139 
1984 1 1  025  8.51 34n 3.87 117w14.13  17.67   1.40             0.01  0.05 0.10                         28253    28    32   187    57  DD

      Velocity Model used:
      *Model from Egill 5/3/01generic SOCAL velocity model
      0.0   4.0   6.0   8.0   12.0  16.0  20.0    32.0
      4.80  5.78  6.15  6.30  6.44  6.54  6.72    7.76

      Duplicate solutions have been removed.
      Quarries and blasts are not included.
      Unstable hypocenters deepr than 30 km have been removed

Cols.  Format    Data
_____  ______    ____

  1-  4 14        Year
  5-  8 2I2, 1X   month, day.
 10- 13 2I2       Hour and minute.
 14- 19 F6.2      Origin time seconds.
 20- 22 F3.0      Latitude (deg).
 23- 23 A1        S for south, blank or N for north
 25- 28 F5.2      Latitude (min).
 29- 32 F4.0      Longitude (deg).
 33- 33 A1        E for east, blank otherwise.
 34- 38 F5.2      Longitude (min).
 39- 45 F7.2, 2X  Depth (km).
 48- 52 F5.2      Magnitude.  See col. 80 for code

 65- 69 F5.2      RMS travel time residual. See also, HypoDD manual.
 70- 74 F5.1      Horizontal error (km). See also, HypoDD manual.
 75- 79 F5.1, 2X  Vertical error (km). See also, HypoDD manual.

112 - 117 i6      nccp, nccs number of cross-correlated p and s data      
118 - 123 i6
122 - 130 i6      nctp, ncts number of catalog p and s data
131 - 137 i6
Hauksson, E. , Crustal structure and seismicity distributions 
adjacent to the Pacific and north America plate boundary in southern 
California, J. Geophys. Res , 105, 13,875-13,903, 2000.

Hauksson E., W-C. Chi, P. Shearer, and A. Michael, Comprehensive 
waveform cross-correlation of southern California seismograms: Part 
1. Refined hypocenters obtained using the double-difference method 
and tectonic implications (abstract), Fall. Ann. Meeting,  American 
Geophys. Un., Dec. 8-12, 2003, San Francisco CA.

Thurber, C. H., Local earthquake tomography: Velocities and 
Vp/Vs-Theory, in Seismic Tomography: Theory and Practice, edited by 
H. M. Iyer and K. Hirahara, pp. 563-583, Chapman and Hall, London, 

Waldhauser, F., hypoDD-A Program to Compute Double-Difference 
Hypocenter Locations (hypoDD version 1.0-3/2001, Open File Report 
01-113, 2001.
