If you use this catalog, please use the following reference:

 Hauksson,E., Crustal structure and seismicity distribution adjacent
to the Pacific and North America plate boundary in southern California
J. Geophys. Res., 105, 13,875-13,903, 2000

                         FAULT PLANE SOLUTION FORMAT
This document is maintained by David Oppenheimer (oppen@alum.wr.usgs.gov)

Last revised: January 20, 1999

The format of the fault plane solutions produced by FPFIT are
"Y2K" HYPO71 summary cards* in columns 1-82 augmented with the
fault-plane solution parameters. The FORTRAN formats below are to be
used for reading the fields.  For more information see

   Reasenberg, P. A., and D. Oppenheimer, 1985, FPFIT, FPPLOT, and FPPAGE: 
   Fortran computer programs for calculating and displaying earthquake 
   fault-plane solutions, U.S. Geol. Surv. Open-File Rep. 85-739.

* "Y2K" version is identical to original hypo71 format, except that
  the century occupies the first 2 columns

Cols.  Format    Data
_____  ______    ____

  1-  4 14        Year
  5-  8 2I2, 1X   month, day.
 10- 13 2I2       Hour and minute.
 14- 19 F6.2      Origin time seconds.
 20- 22 F3.0      Latitude (deg).
 23- 23 A1        S for south, blank or N for north
 25- 28 F5.2      Latitude (min).
 29- 32 F4.0      Longitude (deg).
 33- 33 A1        E for east, blank otherwise.
 34- 38 F5.2      Longitude (min).
 39- 45 F7.2, 2X  Depth (km).
 48- 52 F5.2      Magnitude.  See col. 80 for code
 53- 55 I3        Number of P & S times with weights greater than 0.1.
 56- 59 F4.0      Maximum azimuthal gap.
 60- 64 F5.1      Distance to nearest station (km).
 65- 69 F5.2      RMS travel time residual.
 70- 74 F5.1      Horizontal error (km).
 75- 79 F5.1, 2X  Vertical error (km).
 82- 82 A1, 1X    If data source is Hypoinverse, then code designates type of 
                  magnitude posted in cols. 46- 50. L=ML based on above location,
                  B=ML from UC Berkeley, C=coda, A=amplitude
 84- 86 F3.0, 1X  Dip direction (downdip azimuth in degrees,clockwise from north)
 88- 89 F2.0      Dip angle in degrees down from horizontal
 90- 93 F4.0, 2X  Rake in degrees: 0=left lateral, 90=reverse, +-180=right 
                  lateral, - 90=normal
 96- 99 F4.2, 1X  Solution misfit value. 0=perfect fit, 1=perfect misfit (never 
                  exceeds 0.5 in reality).
101-103 I3, 1X    Number of first motion observations used in solution
105-109 F5.2, 1X  Solution misfit value + 90% confidence estimate.  Useful for
                  testing whether restricted solutions are within uncertainty
                  region of free solution
111-114 F4.2, 1X  Station distribution ratio (0-1).  Lower numbers indicate 
                  data lie near nodal planes.
116-119 F4.2, 2X  (# of machine picks)/(# of hand picks)
122-123 F2.0, 1X  maximum half-width of 90% confidence range of strike
125-126 F2.0, 1X  maximum half-width of 90% confidence range of dip
128-129 F2.0      maximum half-width of 90% confidence range of rake
130-130 A1        Convergence flag: C=no convergence; otherwise blank
131-131 A1        Multiple solution flag: *=multiple; otherwise blank
132-141 I10       Event ID # found in Hypoinverse archive file