This README describes the format for Mori et. al. (1995) aftershock catalogs
for San Fernando 1971, and Northridge 1994 events.


The columns are as follows (similar to hypoinverse/hypo71 format):

VariableNames  = {'Year','Month','Day','Hour','Minute','Second',...


                  'Mag','# of P&S Phases', 'RMS TT Resid*',};

VariableWidths = [ 4,     2,      2,    3,     2,       6,...

                   3,     1,       5,     4,     1,       5,      7,...

                   7,      3,      14] ;

DataType       = {'double','double','double','double','double','double',...




* This value is believed to be the RMS TT Residuals.

The 1971 catalog does not have magnitudes.