W Phase Catalog format EventID : Unique numeric identifier assigned to each earthquake event cataloged at SCSN. Lat : Latitude of the event origin. Long : Longitude of the event origin. Date/Time: Origin time of the event in UTC. Ts : Time shift or delay between the origin time (provided at the time of the alert along with the location and the preliminary magnitude) and the centroid time estimated by the inversion. It can also be used as a proxy for the half duration of the source. Dep : Depth of the preferred origin. Mw : Moment Magnitude. Mrr : Moment tensor element (Harvard CMT convention r is up, t is south, and p is east). Mpp : Moment tensor element (Harvard CMT convention r is up, t is south, and p is east). Mtt : Moment tensor element (Harvard CMT convention r is up, t is south, and p is east). Mpp : Moment tensor element (Harvard CMT convention r is up, t is south, and p is east). Mrt : Moment tensor element (Harvard CMT convention r is up, t is south, and p is east). Mrp : Moment tensor element (Harvard CMT convention r is up, t is south, and p is east). Mtp : Moment tensor element (Harvard CMT convention r is up, t is south, and p is east). Mo : Scalar Moment. ex : Scalar Moment expontential. s1/d1/r1 : Strike/Dip/Rake of Nodal Plane 1. s2/d2/r2 : Strike/Dip/Rake of Nodal Plane 2. rms : normalized misfit nst : number of stations retained for inversion. nch : number of channels retained for inversion. gap : azimuthal gap dist km : distance from the initial location to the optimal centroid (horizontal grid search). cond : condition number of the inverted matrix (linear inversion for the 5-parameters of the zero-trace moment tensor at the optimal location). Output is sorted by date/time in increasing order.