Identification Information: Citation: The Redlands Institute, University of Redlands Title: Digital Major Faults of Southern California Original Citation Information: Originator: Richard L. Dart, Michael N. Machette, Diane Burns, Geoffrey D. Faneros, Jason D. Little, and Jennifer R. Davis Publication Date: 2000 Publication Time: Unknown Title: Digital Database of Faults from the Fault Activity Map of California and Adjacent Areas Edition: Version 1.0 Series Information: Series Name: CD-ROM Issue Identification: 2000-006 Publication Information: Publication Place: Sacramento, California Publisher: Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology Other Citation Details: Jennings (1994) should be cited when referring to contents of this database. See Cross Reference below for proper citation. Description: Digital representation of major faults in Southern California depicted by Southern California Earthquake Data Center (SCEDC) on 'Faults of Southern California'. Original Abstract: This digital database contains the faults shown on the Fault Activity Map of California and Adjacent Areas by Charles W. Jennings published in 1994. The map shows the locations of known faults that can be portrayed at 1:750,000 scale and indicates the latest age when displacements took place according to available data. The displacements may have been associated with earthquakes or may have been the result of gradual creep along the fault surface. The faults are separated into five categories: historic, Holocene, late Quaternary, Quaternary, and pre-Quaternary. Many faults in Nevada and Baja California shown on the published map are not in this digital database. The late Cenozoic faults in the Foothills Fault Zone are included with the pre-Quaternary faults. Original Purpose: To provide information for those concerned with land use on or near geologic faults in California. Supplemental Information: This database should be used in conjunction with the published version of the Fault Activity Map of California and Adjacent Areas available from the California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology (DMG) by mail: P.O. Box 2980, Sacramento, CA 95812-2980 or by phone (916) 445-5716. The map is also available from DMG offices in San Francisco (415) 904-7707 and Los Angeles (213) 239-0878. Time Period of Content: Time Period Information: Single Date/Time: Calendar Date: 9/11/2001 Currentness Reference: publication date Status: Progress: Complete Maintenance and Update Frequency: No updates or revisions are anticipated Spatial Domain: Bounding Coordinates: West Bounding Coordinate: -120.4456 East Bounding Coordinate: -114.5448 North Bounding Coordinate: 32.3596 South Bounding Coordinate: 37.0654 Keywords: Theme: Theme Keyword Thesaurus: None Theme Keyword: Fault Map Theme Keyword: Faults Theme Keyword: Fault Activity Theme Keyword: Tectonics Place: Place Keyword Thesaurus: None Place Keyword: California Place Keyword: Nevada Place Keyword: USA Place Keyword: Oregon Stratum: Stratum Keyword Thesaurus: None Temporal: Temporal Keyword Thesaurus: None Temporal Keyword: Historic Temporal Keyword: Holocene Temporal Keyword: late-Quaternary Temporal Keyword: Quaternary Temporal Keyword: pre-Quaternary Access Constraints: None Use Constraints: Acknowledge linework from California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, "Modified from, California Division of Mines and Geology, CD-ROM 2000-006 (2000), Digital Database of Faults from the Fault Activity Map of California and Adjacent Areas." Acknowledge line attribute information from Southern California Earthquake Data Center (SCEDC) Point of Contact: The Redlands Institute, University of Redlands Contact Address: Address Type: mailing and physical address Address: 1200 E. Colton Ave. City: Redlands State or Province: California Postal Code: 92373 Country: USA Contact Voice Telephone: (909) 335-5268 Contact Facsimile Telephone: (909) 307-6952 Contact Electronic Mail Address: Original Contact Information: Contact Person Primary: Contact Person: David L. Wagner Contact Organization: California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology Contact Position: Senior Geologist Contact Address: Address Type: mailing and physical address Address: 801 K Street, MS 12-31 City: Sacramento State or Province: California Postal Code: 95814 Country: USA Contact Voice Telephone: (916) 324-7380 Contact Facsimile Telephone: (916) 322-4765 Contact Electronic Mail Address: Data Set Credit: The Redlands Institute, University of Redlands; California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology,U.S. Geological Survey; Southern California Earthquake Data Center Cross Reference: Citation Information: Originator: Jennings, C.W. (compiler) with assistance from G.J. Saucedo Publication Date: 1994 Publication Time: Unknown Title: Fault Activity Map of California and Adjacent Areas Series Information: Series Name: Geologic Data Map Series Issue Identification: No. 6 Publication Information: Publication Place: Sacramento, CA Publisher: California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology Scale: 1:750,000 Native Data Set Environment: ArcInfo NT Projection: UTM, Zone 11, Units: Meters, Datum: NAD 27 Original Data Quality Information: Attribute Accuracy: Original Attribute Accuracy Report: Faults are attributed in terms of recency of movement. Initial editing of Quaternary faults was done by U.S. Geological Survey staff. Additional editing and final proofing was done by Division of Mines and Geology staff. The attribute accuracy was tested by overlaying the original mylars on plots of each category of faults to see that they match. Quantitative Attribute Accuracy Assessment: Attribute Accuracy Explanation: This database is a faithful digital representation of most faults on the Fault Activity Map of California and Adjacent Areas. Users of this database should be aware of the difference between precision and accuracy. While digital data can be reproduced precisely at any scale, the accuracy of the data remains constant. As the scale is increased from 1:750,000, uncertainty and errors in fault location remain the same. Also the user is cautioned that the faults in this database are not necessarily the same as those depicted on the 1:24,000-scale DMG Earthquake Fault Zone Maps. Although the author of the Fault Activity Map attempted to make the fault map consistent with the Earthquake Fault Zone Maps, the evaluation criteria for the maps are different so the depiction of faults may differ significantly. Faults in the Fault Activity Map and Geologic Map of California Databases - Fault locations in the digital databases for the Fault Activity Map and the Geologic Map of California are similar but not identical. The representation of faults in the digital database for the Geologic Map of California is the same as those of the Fault Map of California, published in 1975 (Jennings, 1985 p.56). Faults depicted on the Fault Activity Map of California and Adjacent Areas, published in 1994, were revised using the results of 20 years of research conducted since the earlier publication. The new map was redrafted and scribed on a new edition of the base map, which is significantly different from the previous version. Faults in the database for the Fault Activity Map are those of the 1994 map. Although the differences are not readily apparent on the printed versions of the maps, differences, particularly in location, will be obvious if the digital versions of the faults are superimposed. See Division of Mines and Geology Bulletin 201 (Jennings,1985) and An Explanatory Text to Accompany the Fault Activity Map of California and Adjacent Areas (Jennings,1994) for more information on the sources of the datasets. Logical Consistency Report: Dataset is consistent with the Fault Activity Map of California (Jennings, 1994). Completeness Report: The dataset contains major faults depicted by Southern California Earthquake Data Center (SCEDC) on 'Faults of Southern California' based on the Fault Activity Map of California (Jennings, 1994). Original Positional Accuracy: Horizontal Positional Accuracy: Horizontal Positional Accuracy Report: The faults were digitized at the same scale as the published map, 1:750,000 or 1 inch equals approximately 12 miles. The theoretical accuracy of the published map is about 0.012 inch, the width of the fault lines, which is equivalent to 232 meters (760 feet) on the ground. However, plotting and drafting errors can and do significantly increase the uncertainty. For example, a plotting error of a line width at 1:750,000 scale could cause a location error of 464 meters (approximately 1520 feet) on the ground. Lineage: Source Information: Source Citation: Original Citation Information: Originator: Jennings, C.W. (compiler) with assistance from G.J. Saucedo Publication Date: 1994 Publication Time: Unknown Title: Fault Activity Map of California and Adjacent Areas Series Information: Series Name: Geologic Data Map Series Issue Identification: No. 6 Publication Information: Publication Place: Sacramento, CA Publisher: California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology Source Scale Denominator: 750000 Type of Source Media: stable-base material Source Time Period of Content: Time Period Information: Single Date/Time: Calendar Date: 1994 Time of Day: Unknown Source Currentness Reference: publication date Source Citation Abbreviation: Source Information: Source Citation: Original Citation Information: Originator: Southern California Earthquake Data Center (SCEDC) Publication Date: Unknown Publication Time: Unknown Title: Faults of Southern California Series Information: Series Name: Issue Identification: Publication Information: Publication Place: Los Angeles, CA Publisher: Southern California Earthquake Data Center (SCEDC) Source Scale Denominator: unknown Type of Source Media: html Source Time Period of Content: Time Period Information: Single Date/Time: Calendar Date: Unknown Time of Day: Unknown Source Currentness Reference: publication date Source Citation Abbreviation: Process Step: Process Description: Original data set was reprojected to UTM, Zone 11. Linework from California Division of Mines and Geology,CD-ROM 2000-006(2000)'Digital Database of Faults from the Fault Activity Map of California and Adjacent Areas' was selected based on it's match to linework of major faults on 'Faults of Southern California' in Southern California depicted by Southern California Earthquake Data Center (SCEDC) and put into a new 'maj_faults' coverage. Original line attribute data was retained. ArcInfo 'additem' was used to attribute the arcs with fault descriptions found on Process Date: 09/11/2001 Process Contact: The Redlands Institute, University of Redlands Contact Address: Address Type: mailing and physical address Address: 1200 E. Colton Ave. City: Redlands State or Province: California Postal Code: 92373 Country: USA Contact Voice Telephone: (909) 335-5268 Contact Facsimile Telephone: (909) 307-6952 Contact Electronic Mail Address: Original Process Description: This data set was created by scanning the 1:750,000-scale mylar overlays of the faults shown on Jennings (1994) using ARC/INFO software. Scanning, vectorization, and initial editing of the Quaternary faults were done by Richard Dart and Michael Machette of the U.S. Geological Survey in Denver. Additional editing was done by Diane Burns and Geoffrey Faneros of the Division of Mines and Geology (DMG) in Sacramento. The pre-Quaternary faults were digitized by Geoffrey Faneros and Jason Little of DMG. The late Cenozoic faults in the Foothills Fault Zone are included with the pre-Quaternary faults and were digitized by Jennifer Davis of DMG. George Saucedo and David Wagner of DMG did proofing of both the initial and the final editing. Original Process Date: Unknown Original Process Contact: Contact Information: Original Contact Person Primary: Contact Person: David L. Wagner Contact Organization: California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology Contact Position: Senior Geologist Contact Address: Address Type: mailing and physical address Address: 801 K Street, MS 12-31 City: Sacramento State or Province: California Postal Code: 95814 Country: USA Contact Voice Telephone: (916) 324-7380 Contact Facsimile Telephone: (916) 322-4765 Contact Electronic Mail Address: Spatial Data Organization Information: Direct Spatial Reference Method: Vector Spatial Reference Information: Horizontal Coordinate System Definition: Planar: Map Projection: Map Projection Name: Universal Transmercator, Zone 11 Planar Coordinate Information: Planar Coordinate Encoding Method: Coordinate Pair Planar Distance Units: meters Geodetic Model: Horizontal Datum Name: North American Datum of 1927 Ellipsoid Name: Clarke 1866 Semi-major Axis: 6378206 Denominator of Flattening Ratio: 294.9786982 Original Horizontal Coordinate System Definition: Planar: Map Projection: Map Projection Name: Lambert Conformal Conic Lambert Conformal Conic: Standard Parallel: 33 Standard Parallel: 45 Longitude of Central Meridian: -119 Latitude of Projection Origin: 0 False Easting: 0 False Northing: 0 Planar Coordinate Information: Planar Coordinate Encoding Method: Coordinate Pair Planar Distance Units: meters Geodetic Model: Horizontal Datum Name: North American Datum of 1927 Ellipsoid Name: Clarke 1866 Semi-major Axis: 6378206 Denominator of Flattening Ratio: 294.9786982 Entity and Attribute Information: LINE ATTRIBUTES FOR CDMG_MAJFAULT.AAT COLUMN ITEM NAME WIDTH OUTPUT TYPE N.DEC ALTERNATE NAME INDEXED? 1 FNODE# 4 5 B - - 5 TNODE# 4 5 B - - 9 LPOLY# 4 5 B - - 13 RPOLY# 4 5 B - - 17 LENGTH 8 18 F 5 - 25 CDMG_MAJFAULT# 4 5 B - - 29 CDMG_MAJFAULT-ID 4 5 B - - 33 LTYPE 35 35 C - - 68 LVALUE 3 3 I - - 71 AGE 10 10 C - - 81 NAME 100 100 C - - 181 FTYPE 100 100 C - - 281 SLIPRATE 50 50 C - - 331 PROB_MAG 20 20 C - - 351 LAST_RUPTURE 50 50 C - - FNODE# - Internal number of the from-node TNODE# - Internal number of the to-node LPOLY# - Left polygon number RPOLY# - Right polygon number LENGTH - Length in meters CDMG_MAJFAULT# - This is a unique internally assigned identification number CDMG_MAJFAULT-ID - User assigned identification number LTYPE- Dashed-approximately located; dotted-concealed; solid-well located. (A CDMG original line attribute.) LVALUE - 1 - solid; 2 - dashed; 3 - dotted. (A CDMG original line attribute.) AGE - Age of fault. (A CDMG original line attribute.) NAME - Name of Fault or Fault Zone. (A SCEDC line attribute.) FTYPE - Fault type. (A SCEDC line attribute.) SLIPRATE - Slip rate in mm per year. (A SCEDC line attribute.) PROB_MAG - The probable magnitude of a future event given current research and information. (A SCEDC line attribute.) LAST_RUPTURE - Last major rupture. (A SCEDC line attribute.) Original Overview Description: Entity and Attribute Overview: ARC/INFO - The digital database consists of five ARC coverages representing the five subdivisions of the faults. These coverages have been converted into ARC/INFO uncompressed export files (.e00) and must be converted by the user into ARC coverages using the import command. The export files and descriptions are as follows: Historic.e00 -Faults with historic displacement; Holocene.e00 - Faults with Holocene displacement; Latequat.e00 - Faults with late Quaternary displacement; Quat.e00 - Faults with Quaternary displacement; Prequat.e00 - Faults with pre-Quaternary displacement. There are two additional ARC coverages containing base materials: Statemap.e00 - California state boundary; County.e00 - California county boundaries. Field definition terms and contents of the arc attribute tables (.aat) are described below. MAPINFO - The digital database consists of ten MAPINFO.TAB files representing the five subdivisions of the faults and their accompanying tic files. These data have been converted into MAPINFO files from ARC/INFO uncompressed export files (.e00) using ARCLINK software. The files and descriptions are as follows: - Faults with historic displacement; - Tic marks; - Faults with Holocene displacement; - Tic marks; - Faults with late Quaternary displacement; - Tic marks; - Faults with Quaternary displacement; - Tic marks; - Faults with pre-Quaternary displacement; - Tic marks. There are two additional MAPINFO files containing base materials: - California state boundary; - Tic marks; - California county boundaries; - Tic marks. Field definition terms and table structure are described below. Entity and Attribute Detail Citation: ARC/INFO - Field Definition Terms: ITEM NAME - name of the database field (item); WIDTH - maximum number of digits or characters stored; OUTPUT - output width; TYPE - B-binary integer, F-binary floating point number, I-ASCII integer, C-ASCII character string; N.DEC. - number of decimal places maintained for floating point numbers. Contents of the Arc Attribute Tables (.AAT) - (ITEM NAME, WIDTH, OUTPUT, TYPE, N. DEC, description): FNODE#, 4, 5, B, -, starting node of arc (from node); TNODE#, 4, 5, B, -, ending node of arc (to node); LPOLY#, 4, 5, B, -, polygon to the left of the arc; RPOLY#, 4, 5, B, -, polygon to the right of the arc; LENGTH, 4, 12, F, 3, length of arc in meters; <coverage>#, 4, 5, B, -, unique internal control number; <coverage>-ID, 4, 5, B, -, unique identification number; LTYPE, 35, 35, C, -, line type; LVALUE, 3, 3, I, -, line value. Line Types Recorded in the LTYPE Field: (on land) solid - well located; dashed - approximately located or inferred; dotted - concealed; (offshore) solid - well defined; dashed - inferred. Line Values Recorded in the LVALUE Field: 1 - solid; 2 - dashed; 3 - dotted. MAPINFO - Field definition terms: FIELDS - names of the fields (columns) in table; TYPE - Character-alphanumeric character, Float-number stored in floating-point decimal form, Integer-Integer between -32,768 and +32,768; WIDTH - number of characters stored in the field. MAPINFO Table Structure - for faults (FIELD, TYPE, WIDTH, description): FNODE_, Integer, -, starting node of arc (from node); TNODE_, Integer, -, ending node of arc (to node); LPOLY_, Integer, -, polygon to the left of the arc; RPOLY_, Integer, -, polygon to the right of the arc; LENGTH, Float, -, length of arc in meters; <filename>_, Integer, -, unique internal control number; <filename>_ID, Integer, -, unique identification number; LTYPE, Character, 8, line type LTYPE; LVALUE, Integer, -, defined field used to represent LTYPE. Line Types Recorded in the LTYPE Field: (on land) solid - well located; dashed - approximately located or inferred; dotted - concealed; (offshore) solid - well defined; dashed - inferred. Line Values Recorded in the LVALUE Field: 1 - solid; 2 - dashed; 3 - dotted. Table Structure - for tics (FIELD, TYPE, WIDTH, description): IDTIC, Integer, -, id number assigned to each tic; XTIC, Float, -, longitude of tic; YTIC, Float, -, latitude of tic. Distribution Information: Contact: The Redlands Institute, University of Redlands Contact Address: Address Type: mailing and physical address Address: 1200 E. Colton Ave. City: Redlands State or Province: California Postal Code: 92373 Country: USA Contact Voice Telephone: (909) 335-5268 Contact Facsimile Telephone: (909) 307-6952 Contact Electronic Mail Address: Original Distributor: Contact Information: Contact Organization Primary: Contact Organization: California Division of Mines and Geology Contact Address: Address: P.O. Box 2980 City: Sacramento State or Province: CA Postal Code: 95812-2980 Distribution Liability: "The Department of Conservation makes no warranties as to the suitability of this product for any particular purpose." SCEDC disclaimer - "These maps should not be considered as zoning guides, nor be used for risk assessment. Because of the sheer number of faults in southern California, this is not an exhaustive collection. The faults featured within this section were chosen typically because they are larger and/or exhibit more recent offset than others. Most, if not all, of this material has a certain level of uncertainty to it. Our understanding of faults is constantly expanding, and new faults and better data may be added to these maps as our knowledge about these structures advances." Original Standard Order Process: Digital Form: Digital Transfer Information: Format Name: ARC/INFO export - (MAPINFO) Format Version Number: 7.1.1 - (4.5) Digital Transfer Option: Offline Option: Offline Media: CD-ROM Original Custom Order Process: This product can also be ordered by phone using VISA, MasterCard, or American Express or by mail with check, money order or credit card through any DMG office. Available Time Period: Time Period Information: Single Date/Time: Calendar Date: Metadata Reference Information: Metadata Date: 10/22/2001 Metadata Review Date: Metadata Future Review Date: Contact: The Redlands Institute, University of Redlands Contact Address: Address Type: mailing and physical address Address: 1200 E. Colton Ave. City: Redlands State or Province: California Postal Code: 92373 Country: USA Contact Voice Telephone: (909) 335-5268 Contact Facsimile Telephone: (909) 307-6952 Contact Electronic Mail Address: Original Metadata: Metadata Date: 6/22/2000 Metadata Review Date: Metadata Future Review Date: Metadata Contact: Contact Information: Contact Person Primary: Contact Person: George J. Saucedo Contact Organization: California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology Contact Position: Associate Geologist Contact Address: Address Type: mailing and physical address Address: 185 Berry Streeet, Suite 210 City: San Francisco State or Province: CA Postal Code: 94107-1728 Country: USA Contact Voice Telephone: (415) 904-7726 Contact Facsimile Telephone: (415) 904-7715 Contact Electronic Mail Address: Metadata Standard Name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata